Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What do you think about the media being so obsessed with celebrities?

Everywhere you look, the media is making comments about the way celebrities look (body, weight, hair, clothing, ect.) as well as the celebrities' personal lives (boy/girlfriends, family, children, houses, partying, drugs, religion, ect.) Do you enjoy reading about these things? Are the celebrites asking for attention by being famous? Should the media butt out and let these people live their lives? What do you think?

What do you think about the media being so obsessed with celebrities?

the media is covering what people are interested in and many people are obsessed with celebrity gossip therefore it is deemed newsworthy

What do you think about the media being so obsessed with celebrities?

When was the last time you seen Bob Dylan in these magazines?

It's up to the people going on things like Cribs and such Tv Trash that wants the media attention. Others like Dylan don't wish for the spotlight, they see the crassness of it and the ridicule of the whole situation.

If you can't be famous for your talent then why be famous?

What do you think about the media being so obsessed with celebrities?

I do enjoy reading and hearing about celebs

What do you think about the media being so obsessed with celebrities?

i think it's the dumbest thing ever, i don't care what's going on in their lives that's their buisness. Britney spears, michael jackson, etc. might still be normal (or as normal as they can be) if the media would stay the heck out of their lives.

What do you think about the media being so obsessed with celebrities?

I think its going against the celebrities personal space.. but they don't really care its basicly free marketing and the media gets money off this.. without the media the celebrities wouldn't be that big of a deal..

What do you think about the media being so obsessed with celebrities?

I think its a load of nonsense. Celebrities are just people and yes I believe the media should ease up on all of it. I could not care less where Lindsay Lohan went for dinner last night or what color her curtains are and those are the kinds of things the media obviously thinks everyone cares about since its in every magazine. Their personal lives should be left alone to a great extent so they can breathe.

What do you think about the media being so obsessed with celebrities?

The Media isn`t the least bit interested in celebrities . The reason it appears they are is because PEOPLE are interested in celebrities . The media simply reports on whatever is popular with the masses .

Why on earth anyone would have even the slightest interest in "celebrities" and their lives is something I could never comprehend !

Who cares what they dress like , what drugs they take , who is dating whom , etc , and WHY do they care ? How will it improve your life ? Do "celebrities" care about YOU and YOUR life ? Do they know you exist ? Do they care if you live or die ? .............. THEY don`t ............ why should you care anything about them ?

It`s because of a lack of intelligence that many people follow the lives of "celebrities" . There`s no connection between "celebrities" lives and the real world . Most "celebrities" are nothing but spoiled rotten , extremely self-centered , shallow , vain children who believe they`re the center of the universe .

Many "celebrities" minds are ravaged by drugs and alcohol , but yet they`re sticking their noses in where they don`t belong , such as political endorsements , weird causes , adoptions for the purpose of media exposure , and the like .

I wouldn`t trade my life (such as it is) for ANY ONE of their lives ! I`d rather burn in Hell first . I don`t know how they can even stand themselves .

Their lives are NOT the gold, glamour , and glitter you think they are . Their lives consist of mostly self-induced tragedy , despair , drug/alcohol addiction , and hopelesness .

Would YOU really want to live their lives ?

What do you think about the media being so obsessed with celebrities?

Nothing new here. They always have been and they always will be.

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