Thursday, June 17, 2010

Please someone tell me the answer to this riddle! It's driving me crazy!?

I turn Polar Bears white

And I will make you cry

I make guys have to pee

And girls comb their hair

I make celebrities look stupid

And normal people look like celebrities

I turn pancake brown

And make your champange bubble

If you squeeze me I'll pop

If you look at me, you'll pop

Please someone tell me the answer to this riddle! It's driving me crazy!?

It's got to be pressure.

Polar bears are white because the pressure at the poles is low, so they have to be able to absorb heat.

Pressure makes you cry if it's too much.

Pressure in your bladder makes you have to pee.

Peer pressure makes girls comb their hair...Otherwise we wouldn't bother!

Celebrities usually crack under pressure.

Many normal people will shine under pressure.

Pancakes turn brown thanks to pressure generated by the heat.

Champagne will bubble until the pressure of the carbonation has disappeared.

If you squeeze something under pressure, BAM, there it goes.

If you are "looking" at pressure, you're in it, like in an airplane, and your ears pop.

Please someone tell me the answer to this riddle! It's driving me crazy!?

The answer should be "no" Report It

Please someone tell me the answer to this riddle! It's driving me crazy!?

oh my god! that is the hardest riddle I've ever heard! help here... : ( I kept thinking gas.....but that doesn't really work for all of them but some of them...

Please someone tell me the answer to this riddle! It's driving me crazy!?

I don't know as well, but I think about it;)

Please someone tell me the answer to this riddle! It's driving me crazy!?

H20? Water?

Please someone tell me the answer to this riddle! It's driving me crazy!?


Please someone tell me the answer to this riddle! It's driving me crazy!?


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