Thursday, November 26, 2009

10 things that make you attractive?

I made a list of the things you can do if you want to be very attractive. I made this list from observation of many pictures on the internet and the public voting for them, tell me what you think of my list. Do you have another opinion of the things that makes one looks good?

1. Self confidence (40%)

2. Cheerfullness (10%)

3. Slim body (30%)

4. Blond hair (and sorry for brunettes, but that`s true! Blond girls are a little more attrcative) (5%)

5. Small features (5%)

6. Dressing fashionably (especially if you dress like a celebrity) (2%)

7. Good hair ( straight hair is more attractive than wavy) (10%)

8. Rarity

9. Expensive clothes

10. Feminine look for a woman (tattoos and short hair are definilty a bad choice for a girl) and masculine look for a man

10 things that make you attractive?

Good list!

1. You nailed this one

2. Mmmmm, no...Cheerfulness=annoying

3. Slim body....No, healthy body is where it's at. Bag of bones need not apply

4. Blond hair is so dime-a-dozen now...Very boring and fake.

5. Small features? Nu-uh...Big smile, Big eyes and big breasts is where its at.

6. Playing dress up by copying celebs is so freakin lame...Like those big white sunglasses??? That's gotta be the stupidest thing. You're not to "confident" with your self if you gotta try so hard.

7. Good hair is important....Flat and blond is lame...Body and darker is MUCH more sexy

8. Rarity is good...But that means not like any one else, to have confidence in not trying to be like others (celebs)

9. Expensive clothes? Trying way too hard, values are all F*ed up. To materialistic...Greedy gold digger is what comes to mine. No confidence, over compensation.

10. This should be near the top. You got that tattoo thing right, all those lower back tattoos are so freakin lame. To men its the brand of an idiot.

10 things that make you attractive?

think you being bit harsh there! by the sound of your list chubby girls arent appealing or girls with wavy hair?

10 things that make you attractive?

how i talk,what i talk about,not so many zits or pimples,how i smell

10 things that make you attractive?

the list isnt important what matters the mots is for who the person is... "personailty" is what matters the most. but 1 thing the list show si like, dont be someone who u are urself.. is keyword. it show s alil about that in self confidence..

10 things that make you attractive?

To bad that Brunettes are a lot hotter then dumb blondes who agrees with me?

10 things that make you attractive?

u ******* ***** all of dat shittttt is not true and plus any way i dunno a lot of guys who like dat i noe guys like girls who love themselves no matter if she has expensive clothes or blonde hair or even dat is slim

10 things that make you attractive?

Something tells me that you have self-confidence (a little too much), you think you are cheerful, you think you have a slim body, you probably have fake blonde hair, you think you have small features, you think you dress fashionably, you have what you consider "good" hair, you think you are "rare", you spend too much on clothing, you try your best to look feminine and in the result look like a sl*t, and you are very self-conceited. That is just my guess.

10 things that make you attractive?

I agree that dark hair women are much better than dumb blondes so your list sucks bud!

10 things that make you attractive?

I think an acceptance of people's differences and faults is as attractive as any of the superficial things you have listed here!!

10 things that make you attractive?

i disagree with #5. girls are definitly found to b more attractive with bigger features in a certain area. no offense. and slim body is judged more than confidence.

10 things that make you attractive?

here is what i think

self confidence%26lt; is a total pluss

cheerfullness%26lt; yes

good hair%26lt; i think soft hair or undamaged is nice, it doesnt matter so much on wavy, curly, or straight ( theyre are pretty people with curly/wavy hair trust me)

rarity%26lt; uniqueness is good

some things i would add to the list is:

openess%26lt; be approachable so people would actually want to be with you

nice%26lt; being mean can definitely scare people off

talents%26lt; whether if you can do a sport, some sort of art, or music

not too loud or to quiet%26lt; if your too loud it can get very annoying

if you have dimples or high cheeks%26lt; they look very cute thats if you have them

smile%26lt; like they say its contagious

10 things that make you attractive?

You are tremendously retarded. There are as many things that make people attractive as there are people. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you forgot the most important thing at the top of my list, personality, but you probably are painfully lacking in that area so you left it out. Was with a beautiful model for years who was schitzophrenic like her father, but couldn't admit it so she wasn't on lithium, like her fater, and she came w/in an inch of murdering me with a butcher knife and then didn't remember the whole ordeal. (I left her, duh.) Wake up, kid, you read too many tabloids.

10 things that make you attractive?

well to be honest i dont think your list is all that good.

I do agree with the first 2

Trust most guys dont like slim girls, because they think they can get any guy and then break there heart

Theres nothing wrong being thick or a brunette, because if you notice it a lot of guys like thick girls and theres nothing wrong with that!

Being yourself attracts more people than dressig like a celebrity.

guys like curly, proven fact

expensive clothes now days are ugly!

you should of asked guys this

10 things that make you attractive?

self-confidence, my slim body, dressing fashionably, i have straight but dark brown hair, cheerful and of course my heaight, (i'm asian, 5'9")

10 things that make you attractive?

I get what you're trying to say..

Perfect Nails


Bronzed or tanned skin

I live in southern California and there are tons of blondes here but we have alot of brunette too. It seems that guys always go for the brunettes, they don't take blondes seriously. I think blondes stand out more because their hair is bright but brunette's are very sexy ;)

10 things that make you attractive?

self confidence: ya ofcrs

cheerfulness: uhu

slim body: smtms slims r bitches so don u ppl jugde de overweight gurls!!!!!!!!!

blonde hair: dat WAS offensive! deyr not attractive dey js act dumb!! brunettes r much hotter nd i agree wit u up der!! 100% goes to brunettes!

small features: well ya i cnt say anythn bout dat

dressin fashionably: ya

good hair: wat r u?! straight isnt more attractive wavy nd curly is too


expensive clothes: hey cmon!! ur bein so unfair! expensive clothes don matter dey could be gd nd cheap(ur thinkn is so shallow by dA WAY) srry bout dat but its true!

feminine look:ya as long as da gurls bein herself

so som thns wer offensive be careful next time!

10 things that make you attractive?

okay, coolGirl, how would you know all of this? you dont know alot of what youre talking about. ask some of us guys. we know these things.

10 things that make you attractive?

I agree with nicky, from my 閳ユ笧esearch閳?guys find brunettes sexier. Blonds are dumb.

10 things that make you attractive?

The Blondization was brought about by Hugh Heffner.

You know what that means?

You are nothing but a sperm recepticle. Sorry to be so harsh.

You are out of touch,and need to know certain facts of life.

Get mature,and get real.

10 things that make you attractive?

I totally agree with your list. I have blond hair and it looks better straight than wavy and I have also tried brunette but I look way prettier with my gold hair. And nice clothes helps it doesnt have to be super expensive. And self confidence is super important if your not self confident than you wont feel pretty then you wont look pretty. Im very self confident. But I dont consider my self conceited.

10 things that make you attractive?


10 things that make you attractive?

1. Self-confidence

2. Self-esteem

3. Take care of yourself

4. Wear clothes that flatter your body type

5. Style hair on a normal basis

6. Wear makeup that flatters your face type

7. Be clean

8. Nice nails

9. Shaven

10. Nice breath

10 things that make you attractive?

um, there you name "rarity", but then say its best to have feminine long straight blonde hair, be slim, and dress in expensive fashionable clothes.

Being attractive does depend more on self-confidence than anything else. One should be unique, instead of conforming to the blonde bombshell look.

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