Thursday, November 26, 2009

Can anyone solve this for me as it has bugged me for years?

My wife is black Jamaican and she has some irational hatred thing for blonde white girls?

To be honest I have seen this trait in a lot of black girls and quite often the reciprocal from blonde girls making bitchy looks at my wife.

Where does this animosity come from? She has no problem with girls with dark hair or red hair just blonde girls.

If I make any comment about any blonde celebrity she instantly goes for my throat and accuses me of fancying them. However I could quite happily say I fancied a celebrity with different coloured hair and she would be fine with this.

So what is this all about please someone fill in the blanks for me.

Can anyone solve this for me as it has bugged me for years?

I.m guessing that she sees them as something that she can't compete against. I have no idea why. I'm blonde ..but I'm a gay I think I might be safe from your wife.

Can anyone solve this for me as it has bugged me for years?

I am sorry to say I think she may be jealous Frankly I don't know why as black women have come into their own. When you see a high fashion magazine there are almost as many black models as white woman I am blonde and by the bottle as are most blonde women

Can anyone solve this for me as it has bugged me for years?

My question to you is, why is this in the Lesbian, Gay category.

Can anyone solve this for me as it has bugged me for years?

Maybe it's a cultural thing. Could be it's the one thing your wife can't compete with. She will never be white with blonde hair. She may secretly think that because they look so good that you think so too! Conversely, it's probably why white, blonde haired chicks check out your wife because it's the opposite for them. They will never be beautifully dark and exotic! Pleased to say I'm neither but appreciate the finer points in both! Reassurance my lad-just reassure her. :-}

Can anyone solve this for me as it has bugged me for years?

Yes I can solve this for you.

Use a good cleanser

And move out of this section,

PS:i had to edit this.

What is this statement doing is this section anyway?

This is the gay related section.Mr

Can anyone solve this for me as it has bugged me for years?

that is the reaction of her subconscious mind.

Each of us were programmed at the subconscious level by our parents, authority figures, AND society at large to fit into social norms before our conscious mind fully developed by the age of 7-9 years old.

Ubdortunately our subconscious mind was filled with the hatreds of our parents, authority figures, and our friends.

A lot of the stuff in the subconscious mind is plain GARBAGE. As a child; I was taught to hate the Japanese because of Pearl Harbor, and my guardians loved to go on and on about how much they hated the black people; but my guardians always used the N word.

From the hatred I was taught, and the physical, mental, and emotional abuse I was subjected to; they turned me into a walking/talking nightmare. Someone that hated himself, the world around him, and didn't give a rat's rear end what I did to anyone or anything else. I actually left three school teachers and 50 or more classmates lying in the floor. At the age of 10; I was a problem child with an attitude, and the school system dictated that I be trained in the martial arts "So hat young man can learn self control and self discipline." All the martial arts did for me was turn an SOB into a dangerous SOB.

It took learning Qigong, and the realization that we are all interconnected, and our thoughts and emotions affects the word around us; that I began to see the light and transform from the miserable excuse for a human being that I used to be.

You will just have to deal with this habit of your wife's until sha gains the awareness that her subcoscious mind has faulty programms that causes her to react in this manner.

Can anyone solve this for me as it has bugged me for years?

The big greeen devil ENVY becausae everyone knows White blondes girls are favored by most men sooooo most women hate them!!

Can anyone solve this for me as it has bugged me for years?

Maybe it's because it's seen as the epitome of beauty in some cases. She might feel like you wish you'd married a blonde instead of her. That maybe you secretly prefer them.

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