Saturday, November 28, 2009

Whats the answer???

I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I'll pop. If you look at me, you'll pop.

Whats the answer???

It's got to be pressure.

Polar bears are white because the pressure at the poles is low, so they have to be able to absorb heat.

Pressure makes you cry if it's too much.

Pressure in your bladder makes you have to pee.

Peer pressure makes girls comb their hair...Otherwise we wouldn't bother!

Celebrities usually crack under pressure.

Many normal people will shine under pressure.

Pancakes turn brown thanks to pressure generated by the heat.

Champagne will bubble until the pressure of the carbonation has disappeared.

If you squeeze something under pressure, BAM, there it goes.

If you are "looking" at pressure, you're in it, like in an airplane, and your ears pop.

not sure it's 100% correct--Polar Bears may be be white due to evolutionary pressure-not my answer anyway--just cut and pasted the best answer I could find.

Whats the answer???

The answer chosen is wrong. Pressure has nothing to do with the temperature at the north pole or why polar bears are white. If you do a little research, you will find that I am correct.

Also, the correct answer is shown here: Report It

Whats the answer???

There is nothing about pressure making it cold at the north pole or making polar bears appear white... (read up on why polar bears appear white)

The answer to the riddle is simply "no"... Report It

Whats the answer???

oh is it Heat?

Whats the answer???

you are radioactive =)

Whats the answer???


Whats the answer???


Whats the answer???


Whats the answer???

is it water?

Whats the answer???

can someone please e-mail me the answer. I have no clue.

put the subject as answer

Whats the answer???

sun? steam?

Whats the answer???

the answer is "you"

Whats the answer???


Whats the answer???


Whats the answer???

The Cold

Whats the answer???


Whats the answer???

the answer's ...

dun dun dun...


if you look in the riddle each statement begins with "i will"

the last statement though is there to confuse you because you can't say "if you look at i..." because that would give it all away... but the answer is I my brother did the riddle and got it right.

Whats the answer???

"I" works untill "if you look at me you'll pop" I don't think thats right either???

Whats the answer???

At first I was thinking alcohol.... It makes celebs look like idiots when they drink too much of it and normal people look like idiot celebs when they drink to much of it. It makes people have to pee. But it doesn't however have the extraordinary power to make champagne bubble cuz carbon does that and it doesn't make girls comb they're hair, it doesn't turn poler bears white and so on and so on. Then I thought it was bleach but that just turned out to be stupid.

so the only other alternatives I could think of would be either water or pressure. (both kinds of pressure).

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