Saturday, November 28, 2009

Can anybody figure this out?

I turn polar bears white

and i will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

If you squeeze me, i'll pop.

If you look at me,you'll pop.

Can you guess this riddle?

Can anybody figure this out?

I think it's PRESSURE!

Can anybody figure this out?

The answer is NOT pressure...

The answer is "no"

See the explanation here... Report It

Can anybody figure this out?


Can anybody figure this out?

wow I think everyone on this site posts that riddle

Can anybody figure this out?

It's freakin' pressure

Can anybody figure this out?


Can anybody figure this out?

hey * u doin'??... let me try an guess.. hmmmmm... i got it!! .. its PRESSURE!!!..yeyy!! lol.. :)

Can anybody figure this out?

no who could

Can anybody figure this out?


Can anybody figure this out?

god must really hate you to make you so UGLY inside and out

and stupid, too! please tell me you were home schooled and that we don't have teachers teaching you how to be this moronic. i understand teachers don't get paid much in IL. , but they do at least go to work; at least i hope.

oh , i get it. you can only be as smart as your teacher. and the smart ones got out a while ago when they figured out the state was taking their money. o.k. not your fault for being the way you are.

my sister moved to the d.c. area for job opportunities from Peoria.

Can anybody figure this out?


Can anybody figure this out?

this damn riddle has been posted like 5 times today, its pressure

Can anybody figure this out?

it's not pressure

you guys just think it is b/c you read the answer and it sounded reasonable, yet the guy states if you squeeze something, the pressure will pop. The riddle, on the other hand, asks "if you squeeze me"...keyword being me obviously. Someone tell me how you squeeze pressure, i would love to know...and i've said before, i think it's a yes and no question...liars say yes and will not admit that they don't know kindergardeners say no in 6 minutes. K? GN

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