Thursday, November 26, 2009

What hairstyle would look best on this face?

Here are the links. Ignore the celebrity names hairdos because that's not why I picked them. I picked them because I like the hair not the celebrity.

I was wondering if you could help me what would look better on me of the three hair dos.

The hair I have now, I can't make up my mind how to style it. It's naturally thin, dyed blonde because I look better. Do you want to see my original pic to decide?

Thanks for the help!

What hairstyle would look best on this face?

hi im rachelle, i think it would really depend on ur personality, but the way i see it btwn those 3 i think the blond one (last 1) is the cutest

What hairstyle would look best on this face?

I personally prefer the last one, but the first isn't terrible either.

What hairstyle would look best on this face?

i think the blonde curley hair looks the best it shows ur face

What hairstyle would look best on this face?

the last looks way better

What hairstyle would look best on this face?

Go with the blond.

What hairstyle would look best on this face?

# 1

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