Thursday, November 26, 2009

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

The World's Hardest Riddle

I turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champagne bubble.

If you squeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?

97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out, but 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out in 6 minutes or less. Can you guess the riddle? AND TRUST ME IT WAS THE MOST SIMPLE THING U WOULD HAVE GUESSED

i dont know but the things i have come up with were:

the sun,nothin,heat,humidity,pressure.and crayons.

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

not my words but a good explanation

it doesn't ask "what am i?" it just asks "can you guess it?" a kindergartener would get tired of figuring it out and say "no" and give up. but a Harvard student is much more arrogant and will struggle with it for long periods of time. It also throws you off by saying college students can get it which makes you think it's very complicated thus the name "the worlds hardest riddle".

I know this riddle is BS

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

answer: time

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?


What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

I forgot the simple answer...but I think the one you'd come up with is pressure.

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?


What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

what? time? that doesn't seem right? If you squeeze time, it will pop? I don't know and now it's going to drive me insane. I need to keep an eye on this.

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

i think its a famous author

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

I don't think there's an answer.

It's some joke an idiot with no life made up to drive people crazy because there is no possible answer.

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?


What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

the answer is "NO"

simply answer the last question

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

Can I guess the riddle?


It has too many answers :]

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

Well Yes But I Was Guessing Time Bubble

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

It's probably part of a bullshit chain letter.

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?


What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

Is the answer LIGHT?

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

everyone says something stupid like time or pressure, but it really doesn't work for everything.

its just NO! because the little kids were humble enough to stop puzzling over it at some point but all the harvard students were determined to solve something totally nonsensical!

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

no because kindergardeners cant read they say no

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?

a balloon. [:

What is the answer to this?Please help its driving me crazy!!!?


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