Thursday, November 26, 2009

Are you good ar riddles?

i turn polar bears white

And I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

And girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

And normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

And make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?

Are you good ar riddles?

well if the question is "can you guess the riddle"... i'm thinking no.

but if you want an answer... pressure, God, or time.

Time is the best one:

Time turns polar bears white (age)

Time will makeyou cry (they grow up so quickly...)

Time makes guys have to pee

Time makes girls comb their (messy) hair

Time makes celebrities look stupid (hell, look at Madonna)

Time turns pancakes brown (while they're cooking they go from white to brown)

Time makes your champagne bubble (the fermentation period of the grapes)

Time will squeeze if you pop it (referring to the "end of the world" theory of when we break the speed of light, Time will collapse on itself)

If you look at Time, You'll pop (as in having a massive coronary when you try to comprehend the absolute massiveness of space-time)


Are you good ar riddles?

'Can you guess the riddle?'

Yes or no. That is the answer.

Are you good ar riddles?


Are you good ar riddles?

The true answer is...NO...I can't, and neither can anyone else guess the answer to that riddle!

(this "riddle" has been asked many times in the past!)

Are you good ar riddles?


Are you good ar riddles?

Nope. I can't guess the riddle, therefore I am good at riddles. Trick question, eh? =]]

Are you good ar riddles?

water. Water is the answer!

Are you good ar riddles?

i have no idea this is a good riddle

Are you good ar riddles?

I am very good at riddles, thanks.


Are you good ar riddles?

Oh no not this again.

Are you good ar riddles?

Come on!! Please people, stop posting this. It's gotten way old. It's been posted at least 100 times.

Are you good ar riddles?



ill love u for it pllzzzzzzzzz

Are you good ar riddles?

Do you make money everytime you post the same riddle??? Is this some sort of code? Why else would seemingly different people continue to post the exact same riddle day after day after day after day??

Here's a riddle for you!

What starts with J and ends with SS

My middle is ACK and A

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