Saturday, November 28, 2009

Riddle :))?

i turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?

Riddle :))?


Riddle :))?

The answer's "no", you morons. Time doesn't make pancakes brown - heat does. And you can't squeeze time. And so on and so forth. Report It

Riddle :))?

u cant make time pop Report It

Riddle :))?

the answer is no... if you look at the last line, it asks if you can answer this riddle. Report It

Riddle :))?

The answer is "no." The only question asked is "Can you guess the riddle," and "no," I cannot guess the riddle. :D

I'm probably wrong, but it makes sense to me, lol.

Riddle :))?

I'm taking a wild guess, is it.....Water?!

Riddle :))?

weather?sun cold fur i dunno

Riddle :))?

Air? Light? the Sun?

Riddle :))?

I was thinking winter wind (through the first five lines), but the squeeze and pop lost me. Temperature was my next thought, but you can't squeeze temperature, but looking at temperature (even on a thermometer) won't make me pop. In fact, there's nothing that I can look at that will make me pop. So, there is no answer.

Riddle :))?

is it either air or wind? or pride?

Riddle :))?


Riddle :))?


Riddle :))?

The answer is no. It's a trick riddle... no question about it!

Riddle :))?


Riddle :))?


Riddle :))?

time... all of these things happen as time passes

polar bears turn white over time

you'll cry sometime in your life

you have to pee a lot in your life

girls comb their hair a lot in their life

celebrities make themselves look stupid if you give them enough time

celebrities get old and look normal over time... and i suppose with enough money you could make yourself look like a celebrity over time too

you have to cook pancakes for them to turn brown and it take time to cook them

champagne bubbles all the time

i don't really understand how to make time pop... maybe an hourglass would break... i dunno

and you'll pop because you can't fathom the infinite-ness of time.

Riddle :))?

the answer is TIME 9/10

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