Friday, November 20, 2009

Are People Hotter than ever these days?

Beauty Pageants and supermodels are nothing special anymore it seems like common women and guys are just as hot today.

But on the other side, I've noticed more teens are over weight too. I don't remember seeing as many over weight kids when I was growing up or as many hot chicks as well.

Everyone looks like celebrities now days large and small,Hair did,french nails pedicure's, thongs. Hot cars nice cloths Big houses is everybody rich?

Are People Hotter than ever these days?

You are a prime example of society's emphasis on beauty and wealth. Why does it matter if everybody looks hot today?

However, I look at the growing number of overweight kids/teens in society today as a health issue, not a beauty issue.

We need to start emphasizing on education and turn off this garbage on TV today about looking amazing in bathing suits and being wealthy.

Are People Hotter than ever these days?

Because now there is better nutrition, more life quality and vitamins, beauty care products, medicines, better food, etc. Also I think Technology makes us lazier and more sedentary.

Are People Hotter than ever these days?

No, I'm not rich, but I am pretty hot and I feel good everytime I get that compliment, thanks for noticing us that are hotter than ever and not overweight at all. Hot Rules!

Are People Hotter than ever these days?

There are a lot more fat people out there. People who aren't fat like to dress up and show off those nice bodies. Cosmetic surgery helps too. The prices are now within the reach of almost anyone who wants it bad enough. I can't explain the big houses.

Are People Hotter than ever these days?

i agree that people are getting hotter...i believe it has to do with the fact that there arent as many arranges marrages. now in lots of other cultures as well.....we can CHOOSE who to have sex and make babies with. and most likely your going to notice someone thats somewhat attractive vs a girl that looks like a shallow as that sounds we all know thats reality! people want to have sex with attractive people...and that creates a bigger risk for pregnancy...more people are having sex before marrage...and with alot of people! so yeah i think those are the now we have plastic surgery, contact lenses, lasic, skin care, etc etc.

Are People Hotter than ever these days?

yeah, i think so, too... it's the pressure of looking good, i guess... and the overweight thing... i dunno, i guess we just love to eat!

Are People Hotter than ever these days?


excuse me?lol....not all gurlz wear thongs..not every1s rich...wat do you mean?every1 is perfect as they are!whether they are small,thin,tall,or thick...a.k.a p.h.a.t!in terms as pretty,hott,and at days people look into personalities ,and looks,but i prefer personality..

theres a quote!

here it is:

dont judge a book with its cover,meaning dont judge people by their looks......its rude,and as we all say,its dis-respectful....

every1 is perfect,and they should accept theirselves as how they look,or how they are.....get it?got it?

well, good!

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