Friday, November 20, 2009

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

she changes her to many times whats her natural look?

wow she needs to stick to a color seriously

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

yeah i know! me and my friend were talking about this just like the other day. im not a miley fan (but i dont HATE her either) but i think her hair looks pretty in the first pic. but its just looking faker and faker every day! lol. shes like slowly turning so punk! haha. like in the "start all over" video she has punk/rock clothes. and her new black short hair.....creepy!

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??


She said "After being on tour it turned me into a Rock 'n' roll chick so i dyed my hair dark!"

Bottom line. Miley's hair color fades away and you can see her roots so she keep son dying it!

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??


it's gunna ruin her hair.

maybe she should shave it and get a wig, like britney



Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

I Think Her Natural Hair Color Is Brown.

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

Ahh...I hate her. Her and her new hair. UCKY!!!!! is terrible. The brown hair was FINE on her...


Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

ok well hant all people? just beczase miley starightneed her hair doesnt mean thats too much! celebrities are normal people and they want to do normal things so cut them some slack

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

their basically just different shades of brown. i like the fifth one though. but her hair i think its extensions.

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

I disagree to me the all look teh same excpet for a couple and the only differnce is straight or curly.

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

Yes! I agree. Personally, I think her hair is going to fall out soon.

Her natural look is reddish-brown and curly. I like it that way.

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

nope shes perfecly fine the way she is..if she wants to change it then let her be

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

not really.

shes a celebrity


Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

ok she definatly does have a lot of hair changes but i think they have all been really pretty and i personally like the one she has now - she should stop doing sooooo many changes tho - i think she thinks she will fade out of popularity if she doesnt do something new - but thats not true with the little people - they still will love her and her show! but i like it but ur right there are way too many colors she has had. maybe instead of dying it she should get a new style or like someone above said its b/c of her roots. then just dye the roots!

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

Okay no offense, but who cares?

So what if she has "too many hair changes"??

It's her hair. Let her do what she wants.

She can cahnge it as much as she wants to.

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

I think its really funny that she dyed it because she turned into a "rock n roll chick". Um rightttt. Whats rock to her, billy ray?

I agree she should just GO FOR THE CHOP!

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

Yeah, but I don't find anything bad about that!

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

Wayyy to many. I loved her original color!!

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

haha yeahh she does, but it's fun 2 experiement and see what she likes, and what looks good on her.

I think she should have just stuck 2 her original color =]

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??


gosh in half those pictures she looks like high or something.

and the peace sign is SO over rated, she does it for EVERY pic.!!!

arrrg so annoying.

yea and the black hair REALY doesn't look good on her!

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

Yeah. She said she was bored with her old look

because she went on tour for a long time and it

is the same thing over and over. I don't know why

she thinks she is a "ROCKSTAR" when she is

really a popstar !!

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus i really hate Miley Cyrus

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

I think she died her hair back to brown

Doesnt Miley Cyrus Have tooo many hair changes??

Yeah, she does. She should just stick to brown, her natural color. Not light brown, not dark dark brown, just brown.

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