Friday, November 20, 2009

Permanent Striaghtening Questions! Help!?

1. Does permanent straightening do a lot of damadge to your hair?

2. How do you know if you will look good with it or not?

3. Do you know a celebrity with hair that it will look like when it comes out? or close? I Have african, american hair

4. Price ranges?


Permanent Striaghtening Questions! Help!?

Haha, I just got my hair straightened yesterday.

1: It won't do as much damage if you oil/grease your hair and ask your stylist if the use of a hot oil treatment is recommended. Otherwise, your hair might get dry and/or fall out.

2: Your hair is naturally grown to fit your face and bone structure. When you straighten it, it will more than likely look just fine. If you don't like it, just wash your hair and let it air-dry. The relaxer will come right out.

3: Sorry, no. ^^;

4: Prices usually range from $40 to $60, depending on how much hair you have, and whether or not you need hot oil treatment.

Edit: If you decide to keep the relaxer in your hair, then go to the salon every two weeks for a wash%26amp;blow-dry. Don't wash your hair at home unless you absoloutely have to, or else your hair will come out spongey when you blow-dry it. Also, go back to your local salon every two months for a touch-up until your hair can last two months without losing its relaxer. ^-^

Edit number two: Lol, when you take a shower and you want to keep your perm, just put your hair in a shower cap or something so it doesn't get wet. I was just basing on experience when I said "If you decide to keep the relaxer in your hair, then go to the salon every two weeks for a wash%26amp;blow-dry." When you first get a perm, it is advised for you not to wash your hair for the first few days. (Neither at home or the salon) Then, when you decide to wash your hair, you should go to the salon for a wash and blow-dry because they put your hair in curlers and have you sit in the blow-dryer-chair-thingy before they use a hand-held blow-dryer. Normal at-home blow-dryers (Unless you buy a professional salon one) don't get hot enough, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to stand there blow-drying your hair for 45 minutes. After your second and third perm, you would be able to wash and blow-dry your hair at home without it getting all poofy and spongey. If you have more questions email me

Because I'm running out of space!

Permanent Striaghtening Questions! Help!?

I got a permanent straightening done and it cost me $140. I have really super curly hair and after I had it done it was 'wavy'. Apparently its not garaunteed to make you 100% straight but it made it alot easier to straighten w/ a flat iron. It does do some damage to your hair but in t he long run I think its much much better, especially if you use your flat iron on a daily basis, because you dont have to use near as much heat since your hair wont be as curly anymore. Also make sure you use a good heat protectant (like beyond the zone) and get a trim once in awhile if you get splits.

Permanent Striaghtening Questions! Help!?

1. Yes it does damage to your hair... basically anything unnatural will damage your hair. It could really damage it a lot if used and applied wrong so I would suggest getting it done professionally but if you're gonna not have it done in a salon get someone you completely trust to do it and definately read the directionss!

2. Well, its gonna be straight... how well do you think its gonna look? Its only going to be or look bad if its done wrong. And usually when you straighten it like that you wont be able to have curls in it... so you'll have one style of just straight. So if you like curling or scrunching it, you might wanna re-think that.

3. I dont know of any celebs that have that done and if there is one I'm sure its someone with African American hair. I dont think they do that to theirs because again its permanent and they always change their hairstyles and I dont think they have much to play with and work with if their hair is all straight.

4. At a salon its usually around the same price as a perm. which is like $60. Obviously, other high end salons will charge more so I suggest getting a list of salons you're willing to go to and call and ask for prices, and write the price they tell you next to their name and number. If you're gonna have it done yourself and outside of a salon... you can get a box at Sallys beauty supply for about $30.

Permanent Striaghtening Questions! Help!?

If your talking about thermal straightening, heres the info, i found it in febuarys edition of seventeen:

Thermal straightening. its not permanant just for about six month.

THE LOOK: Pin straigh hair, even if your hair is super curly.

WHAT IT IS: A chamical solution is applied to hair for 10 minuts and rinsed out. hair is then blowdries and straightend to seal in the texture.

COST: 600$ to 1000$ in the salon, depending on the length and condition of the hair.

Last: 6 monts to a year depending on how curly your hair is. as your curls grow in, you can get the roots touched up.

IMPORTANT Q's: ask for a free consultaiont. theyll talk you through the prosses and make sure your hair is strong enough to handle the chemicals.

MAINTENEANCE: blow dry your hair each time you wash it, even if its only for 5 mins- the heat seals the cuticule and keeps the hair from drying out over time.

hope this helps!!

Permanent Striaghtening Questions! Help!?


1. Permanent straightening or any kind of straightening or perming will do damage to your hair, whether in the short or long run. This goes for any and every person, regardless of race. Remember a chemical is being placed in your hair which changes your natural texture straight. Why do you think stylists wear gloves or have to be careful when applying it? The chemicals will burn your skin, which is why some people experience scalp burns. These chemicals can lead to your scalp being irreplacably damaged. Some people have experienced balding and traction alopecia.

2. There is another way to see if you look good with permanent straightening. You can buy a flat-iron straightener from places like Riteaid, walgreens, or a beauty supply store. If you do, get a good quality one that you can adjust the level of heat. I have a Conair one that is both a straightener and a curling iron. I only use it for special occasions, but its very good. It should be like $30, but this is a safe way to see how you look. You should also get a gloss pomade to protect your hair when you press it. I use Curly Q Radiant ringlets from They have the womens version, but the kids is cheaper (they are both the same).You could also find a good one from pharmacies and beauty supply stores.

3. I cant say you would look like a certain celebrity because everyone's hair is different. When I did mine, it was straight, but not bone straight like a weave. But I did have lots of staring and envying eyes that day.

4. I dont know the price ranges because Ive been natural for 6 years and havent gone to the salon since then. I dont trust stylists anymore. You need to have a personal relationship with a stylist instead of being treated like another head of hair to hurry up and get money from.

I personally want to share something else with you. Why do you want to straighten your hair? Is it because you cant manage your natural hair? I was perming my hair for years and once I became natural, I realized that I had beautiful hair and no matter what people thought, it is MY hair. If its because of difficulty in managing natural hair, check out these websites: - natural hair care - curly hair care - natural, relaxed and braid care - natural hair forum/support

If you decide not to straighten your hair chemically, there are products you can use to manage your hair. Look for natural based products that dont have mineral oil, petroleum, or alcohol in it. You will have to read the ingredients thoroughly at the stores, or buy online if you have more money to spend. You wont be disappointed. On, there are links to product websites you can take a look at. Hope this helps and sorry this is long. Just looking out for a sister in need...God bless.

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