Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sick of flamers?

The couple of gay friends that I have aren't guys that would typically make your "gay-rar" go off. They are pretty much ordinary, beer drinking, football watching mans men...that happen to dig other guys. But damn near every gay dude portrayed in the media is some wishy-washy, nancy-boy. It even extends to real people. Aside from Ian McKellan and a couple others, its all a bunch of hair-dressers, celebrity bloggers and fashion critics. And they are all FLAMING.

I know I get sick of seeing every black dude portrayed as an athlete, criminal or rapper (sometimes all at once), so I know gay guys have to be fed up with the fairy stereotypes.

Sick of flamers?

I'm gay, and yes, I'm sick of it.

More than sick of it.

Jesus ****ing Christ.

Sick of flamers?

"Flaming" shouldn't be frowned upon as we must support all our GLBTS, however to each his own. Variety is what makes things interesting, and I do wish we would not associate one behavior with all.

Sick of flamers?

I'm sick of the negative stereotypes we are always portrayed as. I mean we aren't all loose, promiscuous, druggie, clubbing bois... For the most part I just ignore the stereotypical gay guy, but always smile when they have a gay guy who isn't stereotypical on TV. :)

Sick of flamers?

I hate it too. It's overbearing at times...


Sick of flamers?

Stereotypes have been messing me around a bit lately. I already feel on the outer for being gay, but then I think "Do I have to follow these stereotypes to fit into a community that's also on the outer?" It can feel tough sometimes.

I really dislike the fashion critic one =P.

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