Friday, November 20, 2009

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

It's always the same with them, going out to bars/clubs, wearing trashy slutty outfits, shiny silk pink slutty shirt, short short jean skirt, bleached blonde hair. They're obsessed with reality tv, and celebrity gossip. They have serious alcohol issues, and refuse to quit drinking and "partying", meanwhile they want to be closer to god and not have sex. HUH?!? Exactly.

It's getting real old, real fast, and I've come to terms that i will never understand these women, or be able to reason with them, even in the stupidest arguments, if in a relationship with them.

Where can i meet a sweet kind girl? Library/Book Store? Coffee shop? Mall? CD shop? Where else?

And how do you approach THESE girls, because the party girls you offer a beer and let them run their mouths, enough said. But the sweet girls, this is a new one to me. Help me out.

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

Not on YA

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

strip club

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

go to an academics club

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

the myspace.

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

You said it. Church, Libraries, Parks.

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

Someone you see in Church more than you see in the clubs!....Barnes and Nobles!

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

how about church,or christian singles groups

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

Church. It is the world's best lace to meet women who want serious commitments.

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

1) Join a club.

2) Take a class at Lowe's or something.

3) Ask friends to set you up.

4) Join a church and become active.

5) Volunteer at a charity.

6) Keep your eyes open. She is out there waiting for you to find her.

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?


What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

YMCA is the best place to go, just go to the exercise room there's tons of girls in there jogging and stuff.

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

go to church theres bound to be someone there thats good

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

churches, sexy women dress like women really turns me on everytime

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

i would walk up to them and offer to carry their things or be like would you like to go to a movie or something?

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

You will find your true love where you are not looking.

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

Can't say for sure if this will work for you, but I'm a sweet, kind girl and I gave up on the dating scene in Toronto and instead tried the internet. I went to MatchDoctor which is a free site and went on two dates - the first guy and I didn't hit it off, but the second one is now my husband! We spent a lot of time talking on the net, then moved on to phone conversations, then met in person. Some sweet girls are shy, others just tired of being expected to go to bed with a guy on the first date...

Maybe this will work for you.

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

you're right meet them in the library, book store, and coffee shop. First make sure you have an opinion about certain books, but are still open minded. Try to find out who they really are, asking them questions and visa versa...just exchanging hobbies and things you like to do...see how it goes fromt there.

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

You got it. Book stores, coffee shops, soup kitchens. But don't discard the bar scene. Just shift your attention away from the trash to the girl in the corner with no makeup and no skin showing... They go out, too, you know...

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

bookstore, coffee shop, walking alone in town

look for a girl that looks sweet, not flashy

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

You are not gonna find someone like that. Unless if you are latino go back to your country and find someone there that has been raise the old way.

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

you have just met the sweetest kindest girl ever ME!!!!!!!!!

wel i think so any how lol lol

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

My house.

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?


School ( I dont know how old you are but yeah)


through friends (be open to going on a blind date or somthing)

Possibly (a dating sight?( i dont know what your open to))

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

Def. a library or a book store...probably a coffee shop...mall ull most likely find the girls your running away from...and a cd shop or some type of arts shop (like a comic book store) is where ull find your artsy somewhat smarter girls. And as for approaching them, just go up and talk to them, maybe about wat they are looking at or reading or something

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

join like a book club or outdoor club

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

You have one here! Ha jokes!

Depends, anywhere kind sweet girls don't just live at those places ;l

You'll just bump into a girl and like her!

I hate the way men categorize woman :l

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

you will know when you meet the right one.... you might meet her in a mall in school and even at a party you are at.... when the time is right she will be there.... and if you are attracting the party girls maybe you arent ready to meet the "good girl" yet

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

You approach the sweet girls by asking them to do something with you that doesn't involve partying.

In terms of finding them, you've already mentioned the good places.

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

Go to church, library, and social quite places. They are most likely to be found there. Most sweet girls carry themselves with great dignity out in public but it is a different story behind closed doors, yet they still repsect themselves. Don't look for them very hard becuase the sweet one will come to you once you stop worrying so much.

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

Well You know where to find them, Go to a social group, stores, libraries. etc.

As for how to talk to them. go up to them, if they're in he library and they have a book yoo know about or something, talk to them about it. make jokes etc.

If in a coffee shop, offer to get another coffee or something.

When yoo go up to them just smile, say hi, notice what they're doing %26amp;%26amp; work with it. =]

What is the best place to meet sweet kind girls? I'm tired of party girls.?

sometimes, when you arent looking the love of your life will find you! about 5 years ago.. my future husband worked at a deli i visited all the time.. he was really quiet and shy and i never thought anything.. one day we got to talking and here we are married with a son! sometimes when you find the right one, you guys will learn to compromise so much all because of love. really stop "hunting" for the right girl. just go about your daily life and thats where you will find someone sweet.. normal-- not slutty.. saying hi or starting up a random conversation just to be nice is a great way to get to talking to new people. good luck.

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