Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What would u do if......?

The President of the United States called you:

You won the lottery:

You got invited to be on a reality TV show:

You caught a friend stealing from you:

You witnessed a murder:

A random stranger offered you candy:

MySpace and Facebook closed:

A genie granted you one wish:

You lost your favorite possession:

You found 10 dollars on the ground:

Your date throws up on you:

Someone cut off a chunk of your hair:

Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you:

You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call:

What would u do if......?

Say Hi

Buy Square Enix

Say Yes

Kill them (not really i would shout and never be there friend anda get what they stole)

Call 9-1-1

I dont have one so i dont care

Wish that i had a real keyblade


Buy stuff

Run home and get a clean shirt on

Make my hair that short

Call 9-1-1

What would u do if......?

-tell him that he doesnt know how to run a country and obama's better

-id donate and spend and save.

-id deny. those shows are always fake. im too real for them.

-id be like....dude. wtf? then ask em whyyyy theyre stealin frm me.

-witnessing a murder.....run. so i wont be the next victim

-id prolly not take it. could be drugged

-it wouldnt matter. i dont go on myspace or facebook

-genies dont exist. and i want more wishes

-id go into full freak out mood and likerealllly hurt someone.

-hmm. 10$ take it.

-say ew. and ask em why didnt they tell u they were allergic to mushrooms

- punch them in the face...then look in the mirror to see if i should get a haircut.

-.........wow. id be amazed that i was even that important.

-order some pizza, then tell them to call 911.


What would u do if......?

The President of the United States called you: whats this about

You won the lottery: move to an island where noone will beg for money

You got invited to be on a reality TV show: nope

You caught a friend stealing from you: hate them forever

You witnessed a murder: die

A random stranger offered you candy: refuse

MySpace and Facebook closed: nothing dont use

A genie granted you one wish: wish for more

You lost your favorite possession: depressed

You found 10 dollars on the ground: keep it

Your date throws up on you: go home and say maybe next time

Someone cut off a chunk of your hair: cut theirs all the way off

Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you: i dont know

You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call: hope someone picks up or have a recording machine

What would u do if......?

1. lecture him

2. put half the money in the bank, give some to my friends, some to my parents, some to my sister, some to my church, then with half of the rest - SPLURGE!!!!!!!!!

3. GO

4. scream and probobly not talk to them til they explained themselves and apologized, but would never earn back my trust

5. report it then go to counseling

6. run down the street screaming FIRE

7. go to yahoo answers a lot more

8. wish that i was pretty

9. cryyyyyyyy and then hire a team of investigators to find it

10. keep it

11. um depends, if he was sick i would get over it, drunk-- ew

12. SCREAM! then make them pay for my trip to the most expensive salon around

13. try to act all cool but exploding inside

14. enjoy the island until i couldn't stand it anymore, THEN call my best friend and talk to her for HOURS and tell her to go get me

What would u do if......?

say howdy

jump up and down continuously

turn them down

beat the crap out of them


run away frantically

get over it in about 10 min.

hug them

never forgive myself

pick it up and go to the store. (unless i saw who dropped it)

i'd be like "wtf?"

shave all their hair off


i'd call my momma

What would u do if......?

The President of the United States called you:

---I would answer it and answer the questions he asked. Why would he call if he didn't have questions?

You won the lottery:

----I'd have a lot of money. I would save it for a car or college or something. I would also buy my little wants that I have (concert tickets and whatnot)

You got invited to be on a reality TV show:

----It depends which one. I would go on it as long as I didn't have to purposely make a fool of myself.

You caught a friend stealing from you:

----I would ask him/her to give me my things back and forgive and forget... I would also start buying locks

You witnessed a murder:

---I would probably have to go to a psychologist or psychiatrist after I called 911.

A random stranger offered you candy:

---This actually happened to me at school last Valentine's Day. This guy a year older than me gave me a heart lolipop. I took it because I knew it was safe because the school was selling them. In any other case, I wouldn't take it.

MySpace and Facebook closed:

---No big deal. I don't have a Facebook, and my Myspace is only used for band updates that I can get on their websites anyway.

A genie granted you one wish:

---I would wish for more wishes.

You lost your favorite possession:

---I would panick first and then search all over for it. If it was something I REALLY liked, I would probably cry.

You found 10 dollars on the ground:

---I would pick it up and see if anyone was looking for it who lost it. Then I would keep it.

Your date throws up on you:

---I would ask him if he was okay and comfort him until he felt better...

Someone cut off a chunk of your hair:

---I would ask why someone would do that. Then I would have to get it cut to even it out again.

Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you:

---I would have trouble breathing, get giddy, and probably get very nervous and red and everything!

You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call:

---I would call a rescue team to help.

What would u do if......?

The President of the United States called you:threaten him to make world peace

You won the lottery:go to japan and UK and have a huge shopping spree ^__^

You got invited to be on a reality TV show:i go :-)

You caught a friend stealing from you:talk it out though if she was my friend,she wouldnt do that

You witnessed a murder:call 911

A random stranger offered you candy:just keep on walking away

MySpace and Facebook closed:pound my own head yelling dammit,worked on my layout for so long,got all those friends and comments for no reasons!

A genie granted you one wish:wish for unlimited wishes

You lost your favorite possession:put up lost papers or go around yelling at people that were last around it(lol)

You found 10 dollars on the groundsave it up then waste it on a shirt

Your date throws up on you:run

Someone cut off a chunk of your hair:slap 'em

Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you:if it's brandon urie and pete wentz,i would give them hugs and read poetry to them

You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call:call for help(rescue team!)

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