Friday, November 20, 2009

You still don't know about Stepha Henry ? Why, because she does not have blonde hair and blue e

The news organizations should be ashamed!

Stepha Henry is still missing. But since yesterday, Google News has indexed just three stories that mention the 22-year-old black New Yorker who disappeared two weeks ago in Miami. During the same period, the site found 525 stories that mentioned Kelsey Smith, the white girl who was kidnapped and killed in Kansas, and 6,581 news stories that mentioned "Paris Hilton," the celebrity who is famous for being famous. (Even Natalee Holloway, the Alabama girl who went missing in Aruba two years ago, earned more mentions than Henry.)

You still don't know about Stepha Henry ? Why, because she does not have blonde hair and blue eyes......?

I started to be ashamed of myself because I read the news everyday (I can't watch it because the news on Iraq makes me nervous for family thats over there) and didn't NOT ONCE read a story on her or any mention of her. Then I realized that no one did a story on have to actually type in her name and search instead of just going to a news page and having it right there. I heard about it today in the NYC area because they happened to be talking about it on the radio (and a discussion ensued about the lack of coverage). In this day and age you would think that everyone is equal (if not all the time, then at least when its important like say a missing person). They mentioned that MSNBC was going to do an interview with the detective in charge of the case. After she drove to the studios and waited for almost an hour, she was informed that they would not be conducting the interview...instead more photage of that dmn blond heiress was shown. What a disgrace. The media today is becoming more interested in sensationalism and entertainment instead of providing us with actual news. This will only change if you have enough people boycotting, protesting and demanding equal attention.

My thoughts are prayers are with the Henry family and I hope that all turns out well for them.

You still don't know about Stepha Henry ? Why, because she does not have blonde hair and blue eyes......?

Stepha who?

You still don't know about Stepha Henry ? Why, because she does not have blonde hair and blue eyes......?

thats really not fair.

You still don't know about Stepha Henry ? Why, because she does not have blonde hair and blue eyes......?

So complain to the news orgs.

But what you say is true.

Before you said something, I never heard of her.

You still don't know about Stepha Henry ? Why, because she does not have blonde hair and blue eyes......?

There are many tragic events which never make local news, much less national headlines. That she got a mention at all is pretty huge.

You still don't know about Stepha Henry ? Why, because she does not have blonde hair and blue eyes......?

Its called Missing White Girl Syndrome. Now its not 100 % racist but more financially driven. The Kansas girl got press coverage due to the fact that video footage existed. Natalee Holloway is from a well to do family. Even that girl missing in Aruba was from a rich family. Many average white girls go missing and don't get press. That's not to say that some don't. However, the majority are born with a silver spoon.

Yeah the press totally ignores with a person of color vanishes. The police would rather believe its something simple as a runaway case or family trouble. I mean look where she lives, she must have been desperate move.

Yet, when a rich white girl vanishes. Well she's got money why would she run from that. it has to be foul play! So the press get hold of the story and before you know it the world knows about this missing girl.

Its in no way right and many whites will just ignore your question nowadays as whining. But as long as we know its happening that all that matters. The answer? Yell for attention. Organize huge rallies for the missing person. The press always show up when minorities appear in groups. (Probably hoping for a riot or something.) Wave pictures of the missing individual. Post pictures about town. I know these are pretty lame compared to the massive press that "others" get. However, if the press won't help. We have to help ourselves.

You still don't know about Stepha Henry ? Why, because she does not have blonde hair and blue eyes......?

I agree they should be ashamed. If you watch the news you would think that only white women and girls get kidnapped and killed. It is so wrong.

Someone need to organize a huge rally or something to draw some attention to this and force them to change the way they report things. Maybe even a lawsuit for unfair reporting if it's possible. Ever notice they don't much mention men of any race that get kidnapped and yet I know it must happen. Our news media makes me sick. They dropped coverage of this poor girl to cover Paris Hilton.

MSNBC canceled segments on the Henry case in favor of wall-to-wall coverage of the Hilton saga that was then unfolding in Hollywood.

If this doesn't show how jacked up the media's priorities are I don't know what else could. This makes me so mad.

You still don't know about Stepha Henry ? Why, because she does not have blonde hair and blue eyes......?

Stepha Henry doesn't have blonde hair and blue eyes. If she did it' would be alot easier to find her.

Why, because she does not have blonde hair and blue eyes......? Is the most ridiculous post I've ever seen. EVER.

You still don't know about Stepha Henry ? Why, because she does not have blonde hair and blue eyes......?

Don't pull that on me Nubian. I have brown hair and brown eyes and am a Caucasian and I know all about Stepha Henry missing from Peppers Nightclub. They are looking for an Acura Integra. I don't need to go to the link you gave because I watched it on Fox News/Greta Van Sustern and another news program last night. And I am just as concerned about Stepha being found as I am any other lost person. Just keep mentioning her on here or call the news broadcasts in you local area. Keep after it. Her family needs to go to the media and talk it up. Meanwhile, I'm praying for her. But don't blame us non-celebrity, just plain ole' people because we happen to be white. Go after the News Media. I don't care about Paris Hilton and why they broadcast that crap is beyond me. If you find somewhere we can call and complain, let me know. I'll help all I can. This is far more urgent than how many tears Paris sheds while incarcerated.

You still don't know about Stepha Henry ? Why, because she does not have blonde hair and blue eyes......?

yeah, I have this infatuation with dumb blonds.

You still don't know about Stepha Henry ? Why, because she does not have blonde hair and blue eyes......?

I pretty much agree with you. However, I heard about Stepha on Fox News, nowhere else. Hmmm.....

By the way, only pretty, young, thin white women make it on the news. When was the last time you saw an older or obese missing white woman on the mainstream news? What about males who are over the age of 7?

You still don't know about Stepha Henry ? Why, because she does not have blonde hair and blue eyes......?

You have a point because I have no idea who you're talking about.

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